Multi-subunit proteins, like immunoglobulins, are processed and packed for leaving the cell directly from the _____________. Fill in the blank. (QID 133904)

A. mitochondria
B. Golgi apparatus
C. ribosome
D. nucleus

Which of the following is true regarding subcellular ribosomes? (QID 133903)

A. The membrane bound ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis.
B. A three-nucleotide sequence on mRNA is translated into one amino acid at the
ribosomes with the action of tRNA.
C. Ribosomes are critical in the degradation and recycling of aged proteins.
D. Much like lysosomes, ribosomes also fight off invading bacterial and kill them.

What is the mRNA transcript that produced the peptide chain: histidine-glycine-serine? (QID 133902)


Which of the following is the correct progression of protein synthesis? (QID 133901)

A. DNA is transcribed into mRNA which is then translated into Protein
B. Protein is translated into DNA which is then transcribed into mRNA
C. mRNA is transcribed into DNA which is then translated into Protein
D. DNA is translated into mRNA which is then transcribed into Protein