TEAS Test Online at Home

Can You Take the TEAS Test Online at Home?

Yes, you can take the TEAS test online at home. The Assessment Technology Institute, better known as ATI, accommodates home testing with remote proctors. The test isn’t open book; you must stay on-camera for the entire test to get credit. Here is what you need to know about taking the TEAS test at home.


You Get the Exact Same Test Whether You Take It at Home or a Testing Center

Many things are the same no matter where you take your TEAS test. You will need to show a government-issued ID to a proctor to get access to the test. The only difference when you take the test at home is that you must be able to show the ID and your face on the screen simultaneously.


The test is always 209 minutes long. There are 170 multiple-choice questions, each with four possible answers. You may need to choose multiple answers to get credit for the question. The TEAS test does not offer partial credit for partially correct answers.


You can take a 10-minute break after you finish the exam’s math section. You won’t be able to use the break to look up answers to questions you have already answered.


You can use a four-function calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you go to a testing center, you will be given an approved calculator. If you take the test at home, you will have a drop-down calculator on your screen.


ATI accommodates test takers with disabilities recognized by the federal government under the Americans with Disabilities Act. These potential disabilities include emotional disabilities that interfere with taking the test, provided a doctor has diagnosed them and identified them with a code number found in the DSM-5. Sometimes, getting an additional 104-1/2 minutes to take the test is possible. Special accommodations must be arranged with ATI before taking the test. However, regardless of the time, you must know the material and how to tackle the questions. 


It’s Easy to Register to Take the TEAS Test at Home

The first step in registering for the TEAS test at home is to go to www.atitesting.com/teas/register. You will visit a landing page called “All About the TEAS.” Click the button “Register Now” on the left-hand side of the page.


Next, you will need either to sign into your account with ATI or, if you don’t have an account with ATI, create one. If you are creating a new account, you will be taken to a page with registration options. You will see three testing options.


The computer icon on the far left takes you to registration for taking the test at a testing center. The computer icon in the middle takes you to register for an ATI-proctored test at your school or college. The computer icon at the right takes you to register for an ATI-proctored test at a remote location, such as your home. Click on the computer icon at the far right.


You will be taken to an online store if you already have an ATI account. Choose the option that works best for you.


You can’t take the TEAS test at home on demand. You must arrange to be proctored by ATI from many available dates and times.


There Are Technical Requirements for Taking the TEAS at Home


Here is what you will need before Mac OS® X 10.11, or later you take the TEAS at home.


  • You will need a laptop or a desktop computer. The operating system can be Windows 10 or later, with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels or better, or Mac OSr, ® X 10.11 or later, with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels or better. You can’t take the TEAS test on your smartphone or a tablet.
  • Your computer will need the latest version of Google Chrome (or at least a version newer than 7.7).
  • You will need to enable JavaScript and cookies in your Google Chrome browser.
  • You will need to disable your popup blocker to access the pull-down calculator.
  • You need a webcam with at least a minimum resolution of 320×240 VGA. It can be internal or external.
  • You must visit www.speedtest.net to ensure your Internet connection has a speed of no less than 0.5 megabytes per second, preferably 1.0 megabytes per second or more.
  • You will need a microphone. It can be internal or external.
  • You will need one sheet of blank paper for scratch paper.
  • You need a well-lit, clear desk or work table to show to your proctor.


If you can’t meet these requirements, don’t sign up for the TEAS test at home! Non-compliance with these requirements may invalidate your attempt to take the test. You should also read Student Quick Start Guide: ATI TEAS Exam and Troubleshooting Tips + ATI Support at least a week or two before you are scheduled to take the test.


Don’t Forget to Tell ATI Where to Send Your Results!

If you take the TEAS test at your school or college, ATI automatically sends your results to that school or college. If you take the ATI at a testing center or home, you must tell ATI where to send your results. It is up to you to ensure that you indicate to ATI all institutions where you are applying, so they get your scores.


Sometimes, it is difficult to travel to a testing center. Sometimes, your accommodations are easier to meet at home. If you need to take your TEAS test from home, ATI will try to accommodate you!


The Adkins Academy Is Here to Help You Succeed 

Dr. Adkins is no ordinary test tutor. He is an MD and teaches all the classes you will take to prepare for the TEAS or HESI. Dr. Adkins has made it his mission to help as many students as possible get into the higher education institutions of their choice. Contact us at (301) 960-4950 or send us an email at info@adkinsacademy.com.