YouTube Channel
Dr. Adkins goes over FREE TEAS & HESI Review Questions ONLY on the Adkins Academy Youtube Channel
Dr. Adkins goes over FREE TEAS & HESI Review Questions ONLY on the Adkins Academy Youtube Channel
The Adkins Academy YouTube channel is your #1 online resource for TEAS and HESI test prep. Whether you are looking for a quick recap of parasympathetic versus sympathetic autonomic nervous system activity or test-taking strategies to use on all of your essential exams, our YouTube channel has tons of resources you can only find with The Adkins Academy.
With short segments of our TEAS & HESI test prep courses, the videos you can find on The Adkins Academy YouTube Channel will be your best source for quickly learning and reviewing core concepts that will help you score high and pass your exam just like Allie….
Dr. Adkins is a real Medical Doctor and College Professor. He wants to help you get into nursing school by getting your TEAS or HESI score into the 80s or 90s. Additionally, Dr. Adkins provides free TEAS questions and answers here for you to review concepts. So, challenge your knowledge today and learn how the concepts apply to real clinical patients.
Our mission is to make sure that the nurses of tomorrow are fully prepared and understand what they are doing. Too many courses nowadays focus solely on remembering facts and statistics. However, that is not how we do things here at The Adkins Academy. Dr. Adkins reviews the concepts with clinical application so you know exactly how the basic concepts apply to patients.
Don’t believe me???? Let’s do some free TEAS questions then…
What type of immunity is conveyed by surviving community acquired Chicken Pox in an 8 year old child?
A. artificial acquired active immunity
B. natural acquired passive immunity
C. artificial acquired passive immunity
D. natural acquired active immunity
What cell types serve as the antigen presenting cell after phagocytizing Strep pneumonia in your 45 year old patient who developed Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) and is now experiencing shortness of breath (dyspnea)?
A. natural killer cells
B. macrophages
C. neutrophils
D. basophils
Dr. Adkins is an expert instructor who provides many free TEAS and HESI videos just like. His videos will help you understand the clinical relevance of the concepts. So, let’s get some answers to those questions…
Call Dr. Adkins TODAY
Stop wasting your time studying from “review books” that don’t help you, or anyone else for that matter. These books have sexy, catchy titles, but lack the real quality questions and explanations you are looking for. Get real lessons from a real clinical professor who can provide real explanations in real-time! Dr. Adkins can help you get into the Advanced or Exemplary category.
Sometimes, the traditional book off the shelf is not the best approach. Perhaps you are currently working a full-time job. Maybe you find yourself distracted or no learning from the crap people telling you its “soooo easy” when you just read the book. But the national average is a 65%….hmmmm!
That is why Dr. Adkins provided real live classes and goes over real questions with you and provide real explanations. We are not here to just pump you up and tell you “it easy, just memorize the flash cards…OMG, you’ll do fine.” That’s not most people’s reality on the TEAS or HESI exam.
Instead, Dr. Adkins will challenge you to think beyond memorization and help you to learn how to apply your knowledge. Ready for your next challenge?
There are “Waste Your Time” questions on the test, especially in the Math section. So let’s talk look at a couple of them here…
After breaking your penny bank, you notice that you have $4.87 in quarters ($0.25), dimes ($0.10), nickels ($0.05), and pennies ($0.01). If there are twice as many pennies as nickels and one and a half time the number of nickels as dimes and 34 more pennies than quarters, how many pennies do you have?
A. 17
B. 34
C. 42
D. 44
Did you get it? If not, let’s try it this way…
What is the sum if your have 13 Quarters, 16 nickles, 5 dimes, and 3 pennies?
A. $4.58
B. $3.25
C. $4.22
Dr. Adkins will show you how to tackle questions like this with ease. See how to do this questions in 5-seconds by understanding limitations in numbers. So, let’s go…wait for it, wait for it, you’ll get it….
Call Dr. Adkins TODAY
Dr. Adkins takes pride in being innovative and accessible to all his students pursuing their health care goals. Dr. Adkins not only provides LIVE classes but also provides opportunities for you to call him directly for questions. You don’t get that with just using “The Book” or Click-&-Play services.
At Adkins Academy, we value knowledge retention and long-lasting results. We understand that every learner is different. So, instead of giving you the information as fast as possible like many other preparation courses, Dr. Adkins works with you to make sure you understand the concepts in real-time. When working with Dr. Adkins, you have options that allow you to repeat and repeat the classes and go over different sets of questions.
You can access our YouTube channel at any day or time. However, you do not have to study on your own! Classes are available every Sunday and Wednesday all year. Start with any Wednesday or any Sunday of your choosing. Sunday classes begin at 3 pm EST, and Wednesday classes start at 3 pm EST. This means that you can start this Sunday or this Wednesday or 3 Sunday or 2 Wednesday from now, whenever you’re ready. You will not find yourself falling behind; all of our classes are available to our students in mind, so you will begin understanding the material we teach no matter what stage in TEAS VI exam preparation you are in.
Can’t do Sundays or Wednesdays or prefer more 1-on-1 sessions? No problem, because Dr. Adkins offers individualized off-schedule classes for clients. Make sure to give him a call to make an appointment with him as soon as possible to beat the rush!
If you are watching one of our YouTube videos and find your question not being answered, get in touch with us! Dr. Adkins and his team are available to take your questions via email, text message, or a direct phone call as you are studying. We are here to answer your questions from 9 am EST until 11 pm EST. We believe that it is essential to be open to our students, no matter the medium of communication or time. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the material, the test, or just life in general.
Dr. Adkins has written each of the very high-yield questions reviewed during the sessions. He has created these questions based on years of medical and test-taking experience, so you know these questions will be as comprehensive and accurate as possible. You will be so prepared that you might find the actual test to be easier than the classes!
When you become an Adkins Academy student, you are also given a four-week subscription to The Adkins Academy Question Bank and partner question banks that Dr. Adkins has vetted to enrich your study time. Along with the YouTube channel, these question banks will be helpful for your studies outside your preparation courses. We believe that extra work outside of the classroom can help you further prepare for your test and shows that you are genuinely committed to passing the exam.
If you are interested in Adkins Academy’s services, give us a call at 301-960-4950 to speak with Dr. Adkins directly about your testing and career goals.